Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Well, I'm kinda stalled out on my dissertation right now. The other day I had an idea that I thought would get me into chapter 4. But then when I sat down to write it out, the idea sort of fell apart. It didn't hold up when I went to confirm it in my data. So now I'm looking for new directions to go in and wasting time while I look. For instance, I spent all day scanning in student drawings from the study. I was kind of fun to look back at them. There's are really fun picture of a sponge that I'll probably end up using in Chap. 4. So the day wasn't a complete waste. But still I feel like I'm not going anywhere.

So today I'll start in on it again to see if anything pops up. I keep rearranging things, categorizing them in different ways to see if anything new shows up. It usually doesn't. Sigh.

I haven't updated here for awhile. But Jen and I visited Wenatchee this summer, just at the end of May. Here are some pics.